What will happen to Thor in "Endgame"? This is my theory...

The Almighty Thor, he used to call himself that before not defeating Thanos. We see him really regretful about it in the tailer, let's remember it:

What will happen to the asgardian in the movie?
All this theory is all mine, so everything comes from my point of view... so let's go.

Thor is blaming himself for what happened and nobody can change his mind, but time passes and the Avengers should have found a way to stop Thanos; going back in time. Thor sees the light again and helps his friends. 

In my opinion, they'll go to New York's battle at the moment they defeat Loki. Thor will try to talk to his little brother, trying to convince him to help them, but the Loki of that time is still bad (or controlling his mind). The God of Mischief will betray the Avengers, again.

The Avengers will come back to the present and Thor will feel bad again, but he'll remember the vision he had while figthing Ultron: Heimdall tells him the asgardians are in Hell... in Hellheim. 

Thor realizes the asgardians dead by Thanos are in the Death Realm and his brother could be there too. He must go there to find Loki, he's the one who can convince Loki from the past to help them.

He will travel to the Realm using Stormbreaker with one of his friends, maybe witj Rabbit... I mean Rocket. The vision was right, the asgardians were there and his brother.

Let's stop a minute, I coud do this theory because of the rumors, one of them talks about  Cate Blanchett and Tom Hiddleston filming in the same place where was filmed the vision of Thor; it might be Helheim.
Let's come back to the theory...

But not only Loki will be there, Hela is waiting for his brother. Thor will make a bargain with his sister, the asgardians and Loki could go from Helheim if Thor gives her his soul when he died. Obvously, Thor will agree and Loki won't know anything about that.

Thor, Loki and the Asgardians will return to Earth and back in time, Loki will convince the Loki from del past, and he will tell where's Thanos... In Sactuary I.

The Avengers will travel to the spaceship with the Tesseract and a battle will happen... Maybe is here where Tony's vision could match... all the Avengers will die...

Thor will be wounded or dead... and his soul will come back to Helheim for the bargain, but Loki will not agree and he'll promise his brother to release him from the Death Realm. Thor will disappear of the MCU... by the moment. 

Loki will be the King of Asgard and the asgarsdians will stay on Earth, creating Asgardia --> Loki's series could begin just in that moment and, perhaps in the last episode the Lord of... I mean the God of Thunder will be freed from Helheim... 

This is my theory... Could this happpen? It would be amazing if the brothers get reunited again and, at last, we could see that hug we didn't in "Thor: Ragnarok".

