The Avengers, the beginning in the comic

Today, I’d like to talk about The Avengers, but not the ones we see on the big screen, about the origin, about the first comic. I want to introduce you the originals Avengers, the ones the comics’ reader met in 1963 and, of course, de story and plot of the wonderful beginning.

In the first place, Who were the originals characters? Let’s see:

Iron Man/Tony Stark: What can I say about Tony?, It’s almost the same version here and in the movie, there’s only a difference, the others Avengers don’t know that Tony actually is Iron Man.

Thor/ Donald Blake: In the movies, Thor’s always Thor, in the comic books things aren’t as easy. When Thor arrives to Earth, he became the Doctor Donald Blake and when he’s needed he has to cast an spell to have is hammer and then becoming Thor Odinson.

Hulk/Bruce Banner: The origin story isn’t the same here, but I’d only talk about is debut in The Avengers; it’s almost the same than in the movie.

Ant-Man/ Henry Pym: Yes! Ant-Man was an original Avengers and he’s very helpful in the story.

The Wasp/ Janet Van Dyne: And of course, Ant-Man needs the Wasp to fight.

Who’s the Villain?...:
Loki: Of course, it can’t be another, he’s the reason. The Avengers exist because of him and his mischiefs.

Now we can talk about the story, remember this was written in 1963 and things wasn’t as twisted as nowadays. I’ll make a little brief:

Loki’s in the Island of the Silence because of Thor, he wants revenge and plan to bring Thor to that Island. 

Using is superpower he puts in troubles to The Hulk, everybody hates him and will try to find him. It’s the only way to make Thor appear, because he’s undercover in Earth as Donald Blake (Loki wants to fight against the God and not the human)

There’s a radio signal for the Fantastic Four, but Loki change it and Thor listens to it, but he’s not the only one, Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp too.

They all meet and Loki changes the plan, creating an illusion of The Hulk, Thor follows it and he realises it’s Loki’s doing so he goes to the Island to fight against his brothers, and after many tricks he defeat Loki; now he want to bring him to Earth, the other superheroes might avenge this confusion.

On Earth, while Thor is fighting in the Island, Iron Man, Ant´-Man and the Wasp try to stop the Hulk, they know they are innocent, and after a big battle, Iron Man defeat the Hulk. In that moment, Thor arrives with Loki, the God of Mischief try to escape but he fails because of a tramp of Ant-Man.
Loki is defeated and the new team wants to keep together and choose a name: THE AVENGERS.

It might be quite short this brief, but I’d like you to read the comic and tell your opinion as I’ll do right now.
I think it’s a masterpiece, the origin of the mightiest heroes in the cinema. The plot may be a little weak (but we must understand it was written in 1963), there’s a lot of action and that’s wonderful. Maybe something wrong is the arc of the Wasp, she hasn’t done much and her only care is being pretty and to flirt with Thor; women can do much more and I’m proud how female character have evolve in the comics, now they are as important as male character.

I hope you’ll like this little blog about the origin of The Avengers and I encourage you to read the first issue to see how Marvel has evolve and to know the beginning of the greatest superheroes.

